Welcome To

 Cheeky Binders

Secure your horse leg wraps & tails with our velcro binders. Economical & environment friendly, reusable & washable.

Eliminate costly & unfriendly, single-use, electrical tape.

UK sales only

Leg Binders in Orange

Leg Binders

(set of 4)

Double security & safety for your

Tail Binders

(set of 3)

3 sizes available.

Choose size to suit horse’s tail

Small for the thin tail
Medium for regular tail
Large for the full tail


Knee Pad Binders

£13.99 – 15.99
(set of 4)

3 sizes available.

Small (52cm – children)
Medium (60cm)
Large (72cm)

Secure flappy, failing built-in straps


Boot leg binders

Boot Binders

£16.99 – 17.49
(set of 4)

2 sizes available

Medium (62cm)
Large (70cm)

The perfect solution if your boot’s built-in straps are failing.

How to Correctly Apply the
Leg Binders


The leg binders are designed to be fitted in a specific way to give you maximum security. Watch the video on how to apply them.

The Husk Connection


We are delighted to announce our collaboration with The Husk, who now offer the ‘Security Strap’ binders alongside their range of Husk boots.

This partnership aligns perfectly with The Husk’s commitment to ethical business practices. Our binders are washable and reusable, eliminating the necessity for single-use, costly electrical tape.


Husk boots with Royal Blue Cheeky Binders

The Cheeky Binders' Story

Throughout my six year tenure at Conroy Polo, I had numerous conversations with Ryan Conroy regarding his discontent with the excessive use of electrical tape in the day-to-day operations of his business.

He sought a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to the single-use electrical tape commonly used on bandages and tails.

With my passion for horses and background as a seamstress, Ryan pitched his clear vision for a solution.

He was my source of inspiration and R&D guy and after some developmental test binders the final products came to fruition and Cheeky Binders was born.

Jules Lovelace-Brown

Cheeky binders leg binders being applied

The Cheeky Binders' Story

Throughout my six year tenure at Conroy Polo, I had numerous conversations with Ryan Conroy regarding his discontent with the excessive use of electrical tape in the day-to-day operations of his business.

He sought a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to the single-use electrical tape commonly used on bandages and tails.

With my passion for horses and background as a seamstress, Ryan pitched his clear vision for a solution.

He became my source of inspiration and R&D guy and after some developmental test binders the final products came to fruition and Cheeky Binders was born.

Jules Lovelace-Brown


My first experience using Cheeky Binders in 2022 turned out to be a test of their resilience, which they passed with flying colors!
As we were finishing up practice chukkers, the club owner asked us to help push cattle up the valley. Without thinking we headed out, still in polo wraps and had to cross a lot of water and swampland. Despite getting soaked the Binders held the polos in place!
Will not play polo without them!

El Caso Ranch Polo club
New Mexico, USA

Carol Moore

Life long horse woman

Have been using the cheeky binders for my two ponies’ bandages for the past few weeks and can say they are fantastic. The perfect length, strong velcro, stay in place without applying too much tension.

These are the ideal replacement for single-use plastic tape. Would highly recommend.

Julia Shaw

Cheeky Binders being used to make sure my bandages stay up and don’t move! Perfect for using on reining horses

Hannah Woodward

Thank you for these. I’m really pleased with them.

No more chucking plastic tape into landfill 2 or 3 times a week.

Kate Procter

Since day one of using these straps, I’ve never had an issue with straps coming undone even in the wettest muddiest conditions. They come out in the wash like new every time and no longer having to buy hundreds of rolls of tape anymore!

Harry Muddle



07967 976898

56 Manor Court
KT13 8RQ

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